somewhere in W.A....
i guess it's in a national park around Esperence. i was on my long long way driving form perth to east coast, well the bloody long way was kinda boring, but sometimes the beautiful nature really cheered me up!! love the sunset n the herd of cows...Moo mooooo
17 March 2009 at 2:20 am
Cattle in a National Park?
Naughty naughty.
This has to be the most boring road in the world. A section of it nearly 150 Km long is completely, yes completely, straight.
Did you drive that old Commodore ?
17 March 2009 at 2:36 am
Yes, it is COMPLETELY straight, and nothing there, im serious, nothing!!! ive heard that why the plain called the Nullabor( means nothing in aborigional language, eh?)
oh yes, the old Commodore was a soldier, salute!
17 March 2009 at 3:55 pm
There is something at the Nullabor, the worlds largest single piece of Limestone at 270,000 square km.
That's it.
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