Tomatos on the sink
4:36:00 pmMy housemate is a chef and has some super sharp knives. The first slice of this tomato was done mid air samirai style. Yes, the tomato was mid air, not me.
I'm not quite happy with the depth of field in this one but was too hungry to drag out the tripod. It was just too dark indoors and I was pushing my camera for every stop of speed I could get while maintaining a decent DOF. I ended up settling for f4.8 and 1/30th while resting the camera on the dish rack. It's at times like these I long for low noise & hi ISO, a la the Nikon D700.
Oh well, time for lunch.
Late for Class
11:21:00 pmThe elevator that's never quick enough.
The knowledge that indulging your sweet tooth at the corner store has cost you dearly this time.
The fear of knowing one's impending doom lies at the end of this very elevator ride.
It's written all over her face.
X marks the spot!
3:55:00 am
Struggling to stay awake after work tonight - too tired to go home, but too tired to stay at work! So I walked around the Harbour at the docklands for a while, looking for somewhere peaceful just to chill and found this scenic little number. Hope you like :P
I don't have a flickr account yet so bare with me.
World's Most Artistic Trash Pile
9:09:00 amOne more for the "Graffiti" set.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
moo moo
11:40:00 pmsomewhere in W.A....
i guess it's in a national park around Esperence. i was on my long long way driving form perth to east coast, well the bloody long way was kinda boring, but sometimes the beautiful nature really cheered me up!! love the sunset n the herd of cows...Moo mooooo
Homless Art - 100th photo!!
1:26:00 amThe walls have ears and tell a story of their own in Melbourne.
Take that all you 'oh, blogs never last more than a month' people.
11:31:00 amSometimes you just get lucky. This was one of those times. That's the Peter and Paul Fortress in St. Petersburg, Russia in Sept. 2007.
Colour Filter
12:55:00 amStained glass + late afternoon sun + stone floor.
Basel Münster, Switzerland
And then there were three!
1:42:00 pm
I'm not sure if I'm completely happy with this one yet.
But I think I was rushing to put something up, I hate having empty accounts :P
Its a good idea having a photoblog, and it may even be something that helps me go out and shoot more. Stupid work always getting in the way!
This photo has been done before, but I liked the idea, so I wanted to give it a go, I do like my macro! :P
2:45:00 amI don't know what she just ate but it can't of been good. Her skin is shrinking it it's so bad.
Somewhere in Melbourne, Australia
Canada Sparkling
1:14:00 pmHey fellow photogs,
I'm one of the new photobloggers Rich has invited to this lovely blog. I'm from Toronto, Canada and met Richard one fateful night in a noraebang in Korea. That's my story.
Now on to the photo - Early in the morning while icefishing in Carnarvon, Ontario, I looked outside our little cottage and saw the light beaming right into these tiny little icicles. Magic ensued.
Set in Stone
12:26:00 amNature just isn't complete without a few nationalistic slogans, when in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea that is.
Note the worn Chinese writing in the bottom of the shot. North Korea abolished Chinese script long ago.
Remnants of a time past.