There is something timeless about this scene. I could image someone doing the same thing at this exact spot many years ago, only with a donkey instead of a motorbike.
I must have processed this shot at least ten times since I shot it back in
April of this year, and up until today I couldn't come up with a version I
Seoul, Dongdaemoon - Haevitch (Havitz) Spa World
Guest reviewer: Cami
This spa is on the 12th floor of the Cerestar building in Dongdaemun, right
behind the Migliore building. Exit Dongdaemun station at...
15 February 2009 at 11:48 pm
so carefree..
16 February 2009 at 2:05 am
What a great place for a rest.
There is something timeless about this scene.
I could image someone doing the same thing at this exact spot many years ago, only with a donkey instead of a motorbike.
18 February 2009 at 4:34 pm
It's such a serene, peaceful scene.
Love the 'ruins' behind.
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