Location: QV, Melbourne
This is a real sign in the QV shopping centre. You know, the type of sign that makes it easy to find where you want to go, maybe.
Today is a monumentious day. Why you ask? Because this is site is no longer about only my photos. Yes, thats right. We now have, wait for it... multiple posters! Yay, something I have desired for a long time has come to pass! (I think it was mentioned in the first post here)
Well, if you too would like to be a part of this mayhem then drop me a line. Who knows, we might be able to totally 'geek out' and go on trans-global-photo-assignments.
Oh joy!
12 February 2009 at 1:58 am
Yups I'm super confused :S
I need to get to L1 but have no idea how.
Please help!!
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