One of many while on a King Crab Binge in Busan. I'm proud to say I was the last man standing and have photos of the others passed out in the back of a car to prove it. A friends mother took us to this restaurant, an out of the way place with the sweetest crab I have had before or since.
26 January 2009 at 1:19 am
why is the title summer soju??
is it because the soju was cool??
however, i think that's local soju cuz i've never heard that name of soju in seoul...
26 January 2009 at 1:23 am
Ah you Seoulite.
Its a Kyongsan-do, namely Busan, Soju and wowzers is it good with king crab.
This photo was taken in July 2008 actually, just after a week of storms.
Ie. sticky and hot.
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