Cracks in the Sky
11:36:00 pmThis is Blenheim Palace, Richard! The park and lake on the estate, that is. Like I said, it was a really lovely day when I was there. Miss X - I'm glad I was there with you :)
Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, UK
3:37:00 amWedding days tend to make me go all silly. I think such nonsence results from being cooped up in a suit for too long. Goodness knows what I'll be liable to do when it's my turn.
Ripponlea, Australia
Oh, and I just found my camera's battery charger which had mysteriously fallen behind my sofa. Alas, no AWOL socks were to be found but I should be back shooting again now. Just in time to miss the last of Autumn's sunny days, pity. Yay for odd socks too.
12:33:00 amSpring bulbs gently nod their heads to greet the sun. I think these are Crocuses(?).
University Parks, Oxford
1:06:00 amI've been teaching in a Saturday school for the past couple months which has been an great opportunity to try some different teaching methods, the most fun of which being when the students relate scientific theory to their own experiences. I was telling the story behind this photograph and using it to demonstrate the otherwise dry topic of the structures of Arthropods. One student then proceeded to tell the class how he once caught a mosquito "by the ass… oh, abdomen", and the blood it had collected through its proboscis squirted out everywhere while it tried to escape from his clutches. Nice.
Location: A park somewhere in Korea
Frogger Friend
12:36:00 amThe shop that has glue art on the window puts new pieces up every so often. This time it was a frog. Yay!
Melbourne, Australia
Off with his head.
11:54:00 pmI don't think this gives quite the right message.
Walk here to be decapitated?
Caution, headless pedestrians?
Walking on yellow paint may be fatal?
Location: QV, Melbourne, Australia
Oh, I hope the new layout is well recieved. The old one can be reinstated should the change proove painfull for some.
Make a Wish
3:58:00 amFirst time to see real powder snow. I was pretty excited.
First time to try real snow hiking with the spikey aizen boot attachments.
First time to make a winter wish.
Location: Dokyu Mountain, Korea
After much gnashing of teeth I have added a new feature to this photo, props to Lokesh Dhakar & Fariez the Fachia. Give it a click to check it out. A worthwhile feature or a gimmick, thoughts?
Love, Richie.
6:44:00 amI don't know about Jeckmann but Berliners (right) sure are tasty. Especially if they're filled with blackforest cherry-flavoured cream instead of strawberry jam!
Compared to these, Krispy Kremes are virtually inedible.
Köln, Germany
Sun Dried Tomato Entrée
9:11:00 pmA gourmet food night I was involved in last year. Many great dishes were dished...
Rusty Leaves
1:07:00 pmOn a hike in Toronto's Rouge Valley last fall, we discovered a 1970s car in the middle of the woods. Some wicked photos were had.
The Sulk
3:57:00 amShe asked for the lunchboxes in my hand as I got off the bus. I tried in vain to tell her they were empty. She asked to be bought food. I tried to buy her some fruit - again, in vain because the fruitseller was trying to cheat me.
Behind her are trays of fruit and notably, fried insects. I suppose I'd be sulky, too.
Somewhere between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Short Macc
1:14:00 amCrema lines another coffee cup from those fine folks at Brunetti's
Pity it was at 10:00pm on a Friday, the night before a long day's work. I guess the 5 coffee days are well and truly behind me now.
Carlton, Melbourne, Australia