Beachside exorcism anyone?
2:59:00 pmTomo decided to one-up us on the feet touching exercise, an exercise I sucked at badly.
12:40:00 pm It stated out as a game of basketball and ended up somewhere in the land of Street Fighter and Tekken. Can you see who is Dalsim?
Click the photo and select 'all sizes' for a larger view.
12:38:00 am Location: Williamstown, Victoria, Australia.
A Lady bug scurries across a hot sun-beaten rock. These rocks were hot enough to be uncomfortable for me, and I have two feet not six.
Trespassers Prosecuted
5:35:00 pmAn adventure off the beaten track yielded many mischievous moments. They had no idea of what the sign meant and probably wouldn’t care even if they did such was the mood on this fine, early spring day.
Bubbles are all I need
3:41:00 pmA memorable morning filled with bubbles and laughter. Oh to be five again.
Catching Butterflies
3:06:00 pmAnother exercise in leaping, this time in Ansan's massive park. Several elderly locals had a break from their normally peacefull walk through the park to watch the foolish, and very sweaty, forigner leaping around like a man possessed. Why oh why did I choose to do this one a 35 degree day?